Women and men equal opportunities in Lithuania de facto is a question that still has to be discussed. Despite women’s NGOs are working on gender equality policy implementation for so many years, but the platform “Lithuania’s Women Lobby Organization” was established only in May, 2014. In order to strengthen a potencial of this organization to act in lobbying effectively, the project “Strengthening skills in advocacy and finance of LWLO” was started.
According to the project the main three activities will be implemented:
1. LWLO website development, which will help to develop a new image of the organization and also to increase the number of organizations, which are keen on gender equality issues.
2. 3 Workshops on financial capabilities and team work for LWLO members and potential members in regions. Women’s organizations usually are very active in regions, but they don’t have developed skills on how to attract finance to their activities. The knowledge gained through the workshops will strengthen their abilities to seek financial independence of LWLO and to work in a team much more effectively.
3. 3 Workshops in advocacy skills strengthening for LWLO members and potential members. It is true that often well-prepared professionals work in lobbying. In our case, only single organizations are keen on lobbying, therefore professionalism and support are highly needed. We hope, that training in advocacy will provide us with fresh knowledge and it will keep on strengthening our organization.
Project is funded by
Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Social Security and Labour