Membership Support Regranting Scheme 2024 / RE-GRANTING AGREEMENT No. MASF2024-006
Project: Equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making for women advancement (Women4Advancment)
Main idea of the project – taking into account good practices and lessons learned from the European Women‘s Lobby‘s campaigning for gender balance in the elections to the European Parliament to promote gender balance at the elections to the national Parliaments in the EU member states, in which the national elections are coming in 2024, namely, Austria (AT), Lithuania (LT), Romania (RO). Project is co-funded by the European Union by the regranting scheme of the European Women‘s Lobby.
Duration of the Project: June-November 2024
Implementing partners:
- Lithuanian Women‘s Lobby,
- Austrian Women’s Ring,
- Romanian Women‘s Lobby
Project is aimed to promote equal and inclusive representation of women in political decision-making by implementing set of well targeted activities, which will reach a number of target groups, including voters, politicians, CSOs, MPs, news media.
Implementing partners will collect, exchange and discuss good practices, will draft and disseminate to the newly-elected Members of the European Parliament the Communication calling to support strategic feminist priorities and core values, will develop policy recommendations to the CSOs on how to advocate promotion of women to the national parliaments, will organise trainings for CSOs on how to support women in the politics, will arrange advocacy and awareness raising campaigns in their countries to raise awareness about equal representation of women in decision-making prior the election to national parliaments.
Entire set of activities is composed in a way that provides consistent and systematic contribution to increasing gender balance in politics.
Joint advocacy measures, trainings for CSOs, exchange of good practice will strengthen capacity of CSOs to promote women’s involvement in politics, gender balance in decision-making and contribute to de facto gender equality as one of the fundamental EU rights and values. It will contribute to better developed advocacy and watchdog role of CSOs. Advocacy and awareness raising campaigns will increase voter’s, politician’s, media awareness of gender balance in power. Being transnational, the project will strengthened regional cooperation within civil society.
It is expected that the results of the project activities will contribute to increased awareness and public discussion on women’s equal representation in politics, fostering support for female candidates and emphasizing the need for gender balance in the parliaments, will sensitize society, enhancing recognition of women’s voices in politics and aligning with the EU principles of equality, thus encouraging voter interest in supporting women candidates during national elections.
Joint Policy Recommendations for Civil Society Organizations
Good Practices
Gender Equality on the local level – experience from Austria
The initiative “DAMENWAHL” – women’s political aspects of the election programs, Austria
Women’s political participation for advancement: from analysis to action, Lithuania
WIP: Women Initiative for Parity, Lithuania
50/50 Campaign – Women in Solidarity, Romania
The 51% Minority – Part of the Romanian 50/50 Campaign
Contacts: Egle Puidokaite, e-mail:

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.