Financed by the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania
National Information Centre of Sexual Violence
The aim of the project – to provide methodological support, counselling for persons who have experienced sexual violence or are at risk of sexual violence, preparation of methodological material in the field of protection against sexual violence, organisation and implementation of activities aimed at prevention of sexual violence and inter-institutional cooperation.
Project coordinator – Lithuanian Women’s Lobby
Project partners:
- Women’s Information Centre
- Klaipėda Social and Psychological Centre
- Women’s Rights Association
- Ribology
Project activities:
- Methodological support throughout the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, preparation of methodological materials, counselling of survivors of sexual violence, persons at risk of sexual violence or other persons applying for assistance;
- Organisation of information activities on the prevention of sexual violence
- Cooperation with state and municipal institutions and bodies, non-governmental organisations, other organisations providing assistance to survivors of sexual violence or persons at risk of sexual violence
The project has a budget of EUR 100.000 for 2024.